Yesterday 20th was a great day of happening at Kimbilio ground and the surrounding as many schools popped in to celebrate the passing out of their candidates for patriotism that had taken two weeks of serious training. Every year this program is always carried out by the senior one students. Again Kimbilio High school was selected for the venue host. The number of schools that were expected was 10 but some six only attended,. Besides, the host there were other schools like; Katerema SS,St James Comprehensive Achilet, Mulanda SS, Iyolwa technical and James Ochola Memorial. National Secretariat for Patriotic Corps, also referred to as NSPC was established by H.E president of Uganda in 2009, with mandate to develop and coordinate patriotism clubs in all secondary, post primary and Institutions country wide.
The term Patriotism is simply stands for the feeling of devotion, the deep attachment, the pride and gratitude, the loyalty and commitment one has for his or he country. The program involved activities like; prayers,singing of Anthems parades accompanied by the band, speeches, award of gifts,and lunch.
The guest of honor,Mr Abdul Gidudu the Bukedde Patriotism Coordinator who was accompanied by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Mr Atama Gabriel of Tororo District appealed to the participants ( patriotics) to have loyalty for their country,love their self, family and Uganda, protect environment and natural resources, cherish hard work, honesty, accountability and fairness, cherish cultural heritage, time management, seek knowledge and skills and detest crime and unbecoming behaviors. Later Adikini Rebecca Head girl Katerema SS gave a vote of thanks to the guests for their coming and promised to work hard as per the advise.