Today again we had a great time with both of our two candidate classes for this year. Due to the out break of of Ebola deadly disease in the country, this time we did not invite our guardians and parents but rather we had indoor meeting.
This year,the two schools organized a joint meeting since Kimbilio is a family and it was indeed colorful. Our Senior four of this year are the pioneers of our UNEB center number, which we acquired early this year and next Friday 14th, will be their briefing day and then Monday17th, their real beginning of the exams. This year, the senior four candidates are 29 in number while P7 are 22.
Just like the previous meetings, this time the day had a lot of activities that included; praise & worship, poems, dances, speeches, sharing of the word by our guest of honor, and lunch.

As different people were giving their speeches, the P7 Class teacher thanked the directors for making the children from nobody to somebody and promised that with all sets of exams done, there was no worry about children doing well, S4 teacher told the congregation that God will continue to deliver us 2Cor 1:10, and the Head Teacher primary ensured members of the good results and thanked our directors for being a blessing to our schools but also emphasized the issue of humility as an important aspect of life. To add on, Headteacher High school said teachers are great people and inventors. He further acknowledged the issue of suffering that his members could have gone through but kept on pressing until today.
The Director of education congratulated the candidates for not fearing the exams and advised the learners on the following points;
She appealed to them to have good use of their time, requested the learners to always carry Kimbilio identity everywhere,to be volunteers at home and finally urged them not to think about their problems. Our National Director while speaking to the children, he posed a question we have a heart for children but what kind of heart do you have? He added that if the heart is not interested then mind will do nothing. The director kindly requested the learners to have a heart for learning as their number one agenda. He ended by saying that out of experience, Kimbilio is doing well but need to aim higher. In conclusion, our guest of Honor Dr David Omalla appreciated all the performances,directors for their great vision and assured members that all have ability to excel. He quoted Proverbs 1:5. However, his topic of sharing was on Education. He asked a question that is education important or not?, If yes, why is it important? and later looked at it’s benefits. He informed members that it helps gain personal control of your lives, gives you the skills needed to perform some tasks and that full education makes you become full expert. Candidates were then blessed by the word of prayer from Pr Owor Michael and Dr Omalla.