The 5th of this month ,witnessed the great occasion of inaugurating of the new prefects. Having been successful with the campaigns,the journey of ushering the new leadership begins. Like other previous meetings, there were a lot of programmes that took place on this day that included;prayers,singing of national anthems,presentations, awarding of certificate of recognition, speeches and lunch.
While the patron for prefects was speaking, he encouraged the unsuccessful not to give up next time and promised to give guidance to the incoming.
The Deputy H/M advised the ongoing to keep up the same spirit of leadership in them and cautioned the members to do their work without fear and favor. The Headteacher Mr Obonyo Andrew thanked God and all the prefects for maintaining democracy and also said that a school without leadership, is not a school.
Uncle Jakobus who aws present asked three questionnaires that what do you want to be?, What gift do you have? and what do i have to do? and quoted John 15 and advised every one to keep looking on to Jesus.
Director Education asked both out going and incoming to always remain humble and be strong in all they do.
The National Director concluded the day by imposing a question that is it by chance to be leadership? No, he said therefore we are to pray and honor our leaders. He advised members to be aware of what they say because at times we pray against the leaders. He further said that what kind of a leader are you? Do you lead from behind or like making things happen? He informed members that excellent servants don’t please every one and don’t have fear for man. He finished by telling people that he looks forward to seeing the children take up the leadership of this Organization as he moves towards retirement age and that in USA, any one who has ever been a president does not cease to be called president.