The Inauguration ceremony of newly elected prefects came with a lot of excitement as students had taken long with out having this event due to closure of Schools after the out break of Corona.
Having contested for various posts with all the stiff competition from the opponents, the majority succeeded in their aspirations.
After the electoral commission verified all successful candidates, on 9 March 2022 was a day of the out-going prefects handing over to the incoming leadership. The day was very colorful as it had some activities like presentations by students, speeches and lunch.
The occasion was graced by our dear Directors as the guests of honor. Among the speeches included the Chairperson electoral commission who said every one was given an opportunity to apply for any post and in general the process was so smooth. Deputy Headteacher academics advised members to only fear for doing bad, encouraged them to be strong, kind and not weak, and above all to trust in God.
While the Headteacher thanked God this for the day saying that other schools failed completely to open at all. He further encouraged students to always embrace leadership positions whenever there is an opportunity. He appealed to them to love their school and promote it else where.
Finally,Director Education expressed her gratitude to God and thanked the entire staff for collectively working as a team to have this day wonderful. She assured members that leadership is from God even though they campaigned by themselves. She requested all the students to respect prefects as she also promised to work hand in hand with them where need be.
The National Director informed the congregation that all of us are leaders and posing a question about how do you handle it? We can be a David, Saul or even an Absalom in leadership style. He advised members or leaders not to do everything by themselves when practicing leadership but rather make sure the job gets done by competent members, thereby making good use of the diversity of qualities available in the constituency.
He said leadership is about influencing others and encouraged the incoming prefects to remain themselves and said if possible make the ones you are leading to become better than you. Others before self.
Our senior woman teacher concluded with a closing prayer for God to help and guide as prefects take up their positions.