What is Kimbilio all about?

Kimbilio is a word in the Swahili language meaning “a place of refuge”.

In August 2006 when we moved from Kampala to Tororo I (Cor Koelewijn) asked my wife (Grace Awori Koelewijn-Omalla) what the Swahili translation is for “Hiding Place” like in the Bible in Psalms 32:7… That is when the name “Kimbilio” was born. “Kimbilio Schools” are registered in Uganda and the schools are owned by the Heart For Children NGO.

The Heart For Children is the fundraising organization that has the objective to help orphans by means of education. The donors are mainly German and Dutch Christians. They collect funding to build the schools and they also try to get individual sponsors for each orphaned child in our school.

The schools aim to have a population of 50% orphans and 50% privately paying students so as to guarantee stability whenever another credit crisis strikes in Europe. As the founders have started this school out of their Christian conviction, the schools have a strong Evangelical Christian Character and aim to be excellent in it’s academic and social standards.